“Thankfulness is not some sort of magic formula; it is the language of love!”ย (Sarah Young)
I have probably shared this quote with you before but it speaks loudly to me today! I am so filled with thankfulness for all of you and I can feel your love for our KC kids. No sooner did I send my last email asking for help with the HS kids (without angels), when I had volunteers to cover all of them in a day! Talk about a Hallelujah! I am humbled by your continued faithfulness and generosity!
The kids enjoyed an active November. Thay had an artshow, visited the residents of Dominion Living Center, enjoyed a hayride at Happy Jack’s Farm, had a guest speaker teaching them about Canada, planned and cooked their own Thanksgiving dinner, and wrote letters of appreciation to teachers and family members.
Yesterday I mailed the final “wishlists” to you all. So if you haven’t received one yet, you will this week. Deneen had to call lots of parents for suggestions since some of our kids only attend during breaks and the summer. I take them their cards each month, but it’s difficult for me to interview them when they come infrequently.
SUGGESTIONS:ย the big craze this year is POPITS. They are just plastic fidgets that they can pop! Look for them. They are inexpensive and come in all sorts of sizes. I even saw a little purse that had a popit attached!. LOL dolls are also popular. Boys LOVE balls! Even if you got them one last year, they need a new one every few months since they get so much use! Don’t forget to add a pump. Also most of the girls like jewelry kits and make up. They don’t wear it out but like to play with it.
If you need any more help with the shopping let me know! Also, I’m not in any hurry to have your gifts. If you can wait until December 13 to bring your bag to church, that would save me from having to collect and move them twice!ย ๐
Our Christmas Party will be at the VFW on Second Street on Friday, December 17, 6-8. The kids are planning to sing several songs and have a talent show. You are welcome to stop by!
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Thank you for showing love to our kids! Kay Scottย ย 502-395-1516
December Birthdays:ย Janiya Carter (12/1), Chelsea Robinson (12/8), Toma Washington (12/8), Tylen Smith (12/10), Larrissa Bush (12/14), Daylyn Redden (12/15
January Birthdays:ย Jayanna Redden (1/4), Justin Tracy (1/5), Akaia Jones (1/8), JoJo Jones (1/19), Evie Brown (1/31), Audrey Smith (1/31)
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