About Us

The Kings Center is a faith-based, non-profit community center located in Frankfort, Kentucky at 202 E. Third Street. It has been serving the Frankfort/Franklin County community for more than 20 years, and offers quality structured programming year-round for young people, first grade through high school.

Incorporated for the purpose of creating opportunities and hope for children and their families, the Center is named for three “Kings” important in the lives of our participants: Martin Luther King, Jr.; Peggy King, a Community and Environmental Advocate; and Jesus Christ, the King.

The Kings Center is governed by Faith United, Inc., a board of individuals representing many facets of life in Frankfort/Franklin County. Board members serve voluntarily, and provide oversight and support for the Center and its activities.

A message from Board Chair Sheila Mason:

Welcome to the The Kings Center and its governing board, Faith United, Inc. Since 1996, the Center has steadily worked toward establishing a positive, caring presence in the midst of historic South Frankfort. Over the years, hundreds of children, teens, parents, grandparents, students, volunteers, and community partners from throughout Frankfort and Franklin County have crossed the threshold of our home at the corner of Third and Logan Streets.

The Kings Center encourages all young people to not only pursue their individual dreams, but also to broaden their interests and to face new challenges. We place a lot of emphasis on providing children and teenagers with academic, cultural, and social experiences they might not otherwise have, and we firmly believe that anything is possible for them now and in the future. We also welcome and support the families of our participants, as well as the community at-large, and try to be of service whenever and wherever we can.

After this journey through our home, we hope you will also visit our building at 202 E. Third Street. We welcome visitors and invite you to become a part of what we do. We always need and appreciate volunteers, donors, suggestions, and smiles.


Sheila Mason Burton, Chair
Faith United, Inc.

Sheila Mason

Board Chair

The King’s Center Board

Sheila Mason Burton
Pat Bacon
Gloria Brown
Chris Douglas
Mildred Graham
Prentice Harvey
James Hatchett
Johnny Keene

Wil Rhodes
Kay Scott
Beth Bacon Shera
Zenobia Skinner
Jack Smith
Michael Turner

Honorary Member: Hon. Phillip Shepherd